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Entity can start the implementation of the happiness meter on below touch points/channels:
  1. Your website
    1. Application Level (Entity Website)
    2. Transaction Level (Online/transactional Services)
  2. Service Centre

Below are the steps to rollout the happiness meter on Website:

  1. Entity will download the documents.
  2. Entity will complete the registration for either both or website
  3. SDG will configure and share the QA details of happiness web widget
  4. Entity will implement Happiness Meter web widget on their QA website
  5. Entity will test the implementation using provided test cases​
  6. Entity will share the test cases results sheet
  7. SDG will certify the implementation
  8. SDG will configure and share the Production details of happiness web widget
  9. Entity will configure Happiness Meter web widget on their Production website
  10. Go-Live

Below are the steps to rollout the happiness meter on Service Center:

  1. Entity will complete the registration for either both or service center
  2. SDG will configure and share the QA build details
  3. Entity will download happiness QA build
  4. Entity will install and configure the application
  5. Entity will test the QA build
  6. SDG will certify the UAT
  7. SDG will share the happiness production build
  8. Go-Live
